One Timelife 踊る
~ Das Leben liegt weder in der Vergangenheit, noch in der Zukunft, sondern allein in der Gegenwart ~


Chrome Hearts and Fleur de lis

Today I found this:

I want them and one day I will buy them *______*~ I really love Chrome Hearts and Fleur de lis. I was so bored that I made some sketches~

I think they are a bit toooo simple, maybe I will try some other later :D

Oh oh oh!!!!! Aaaaaaand the next time, when I'm going to visit Japan, I want to find THIS
in Tokyo!!!!! An Alice in Wonderland restaurant *______*~ I have to visit this awesome place!
When I'm thinking about my time in Japan, I could cry that I haven't seen so much in Tokyo. I was soooo stupid, but next year I have enough time to find more awesome places in Japan.

Well now I'm going to bed~

Sooo night :3

Hachiko, Takara und Bubble Tea

Mein heutiger Post wird mal in Deutsch sein xD Habe grade nicht viel lust mich mit englisch aus einander zu setzten ^^~

Letztens war ich mit B-chan im Takara, es ist ein japanisches Restaurant und woooah es war so gut!!! Lustig war, als wir auf unser Essen gewartet hatten haben wir einen süßen Chiba-Inu gesehen, eine kleine Hachiko *____*~
Ist sie nicht süß??? Ich wollte sie am liebsten mitnehmen *________*~

Ein bisschen später bekamen wir dann endlich unser Essen~

Ich hatte mir Curry-Ramen bestellt und omg die waren sooooo gut, ABER die Schüssel war so extrem groß... X___x Zum Schluss war es echt nur noch ein Kampf den Rest zu essen xD

Ein paar Tage zuvor war ich mit B-chan einen Bubble Tea trinken, da wir einen neuen Laden bei uns in der Stadt haben und wir den mal testen wollten.
Meins war der mit dem kleinen Ferkel. Ein Cookie-Bubble Tea.

Lusig dabei war, dass die Tapioca nicht wie sonst immer schwarz waren sondern bunt *____*~

Diese kleine Dame heißt Baileys, sie ist echt niedlich, aber leider nicht meine ;____; Ich möchte endlich so gerne eine Katze, aber das wird wohl noch ein bisschen dauern xD mal schauen!

Und jaaaa... wenn einem Mal langweilig ist.. xD
Ich wollte mich ein mal an Uruhas MakeUp versuchen und joaaaah es ging, aber ich muss noch viiiiiel üben :3

Mal sehen ich überlege heute Abend nach der Arbeit noch ein bisschen was über Toxic schreiben, ich mag das Ablum sehr und vielleicht schaffe ich es ja in Worte zu fassen wieso ich es so mag xD

Habt einen schönen Tag :3
Muss ja gleich zur Arbeit~ 'freudeeeeeee'.... xD


Girls Day with some magic and dahlias

Yesterday was an awesome day. My mother, grandma, cousin, sister-in-law and me went to a big park. There we surveyed some beautiful and colorful dahlias.

This one was my favorite :3 I love this deep dark color combinated with white.

This kind of dahlia was called Fuzzy Wuzzy XD That's sounds so funny. However this one was also beautiful~

Two little bees, they were so cute! I had to take a photo of them :D and if you look closer on this picture you can see that they wearing yellow 'socks' :3

Aaaaand I also found a cute duck *______*~

Btw look at this! Some of the dahlias had blossoms big like that...

Later we had a nice tea time with some coffee and cake aaaaaaand a small magic show *__*~ that was sooo funny I learned a small magic trick! :D

This ice coffee was soooooooooo delicous :3

After our break we went back to the city and ate some sushi :D

Yes.. I ate all of them xD

All in all this day was awesome and I had a lot of fun! Tomorrow I will made a girls day with some friends! But I will write about later ^^~


Sushi and some other things~

Today I was a bit lazy... v.v~
I just cleaned up my room, made some sushi and filled out my form for the jlpt (Japanses-Language Proficiency Test) N5.

I'm really nervous... Next week I have to write my final exam of my Japanese lesson... and in december is the jlpt.... I don't know why, but it feels like I don't know anything about this language XD What ever I will do my best! :D

Soooooo this was my lunch for today and it was made by ME :D Awww I love sushi! I could eat it every day, but it takes tooooo much time for cooking! XD

Finally I studied japanese about some hours. I think it's enough for today. I repeated 15 sections of my japanese schoolbook :3 Tomorrow I going to do the last 15 sections :D

I LOVE these two shirts :3 Tigers are sooooo awesome!!! I want more clothes with them 8D

So my dears, now I'm going to bed, I have to get up early~
See ya until tomorrow x3


New Outfit

Today was a nice day~
I combinated my clothes in a different way ... haha I liked it! :D
First it was a bit strange, becaue of the short skirt... But later it felt very well to wear this clothes~

Maybe I wear tooooo much black... but I'm bit scared that other colors don't suits me... ^______^''

Later I went to my japanese lesson, it was really stressful this time... but I love it like always :3
Next week on wednesday I have my final exam... I hope so that I can do it! I'm really nervous, but I will give my best :D

Well let me see, oh here some new clothes~

So now I'm going to bed, I'm tired~
Well tomorrow I have to clean up my room and after that I will make some Sushi. In the evening I'm going to meet a friend and we will do some sport together :D

So night~
See ya tomorrow :3



Hey everyone~ :D

Welcome to my blog! I hope you will have fun to read my blog.
I will write about daily things, gyaru, fashion, sometimes I will post pictures from my trip to Japan with some little descriptions.
But I will also write sometimes in german :3

Now I want to introduce myself.

You can call me Ai (it's just a short version of my name XD) I'm 22 years old and I was born in Berlin – Germany. I'm still living in Berlin and I really love this city, it's big, has many awesome places and is really lively. :3
I passed my graduation and finally I'm qualified in mechatronics. My next goal is to become an engineer, but before I'm going to study I want to make Working Holidays in Japan.
Why Japan? That's simple: Over years I became more and more interested in this country and in 2010 I made my first holidays in Japan. I had seven awesome weeks there and saw many different places like Tokyo, Kyoto, Nara, Osaka, Hiroshima, Miyajima and many more. Even though I saw all these places and got so many different experiences I want to see more of this amazing country and want to know more about it.
Currently I'm working to earn my own money and to save important experiences for my life.

Well let me see... is there anything more from me I can write about... XD
I love my friends. I always have so much fun with them, they're like a 2nd family for me.
I'm also interested in drawing. I draw since I could hold a pen! :D I know many different kinds of drawing like portraits, nature, manga-style and so on. :3
Also music is an important part of my life. First time when I listen to japanese music I wanted to study this amazing language, however I started studying years later. XD
Since 2010 I'm studying the japanese language. But actually I begun with japansese fife years before. However in this time I just got to know something about the grammar. The school wasn't so good. I had no practise, we never had done conversations and didn't wrote any texts, so I don't really study... Most of that time I had to study by myself and this wasn't so easy xD
What ever my current japanese lesson are awesome, it's like a crash course, but I love it soooo much!! :3

So actually I reached a point where I don't know what I could still write.. If you have any questions don't be shy, you can ask me everything!!!

greeds Ai~ :3